Wild Nature


The sea in an infinite dance, the sea with all its strength, the sea that amazes us.


Welcome to this guide, we will show you what is the bufadero de La Garita, a natural landscape on the coast of Telde, where the sea and the rocks create a spectacle that is a must-see in Gran Canaria. In this volcanic formation with caves and natural pools, where the waves, in an endless dance, flow into two large natural pools, which when completely filled and through a small adjoining hole, create a geyser that is a wonder of nature.

The bufadero de la Garita is an ideal place to take pictures, we will show you how to get there and some great plans to make the most of your visit to the bufadero de la Garita. There are many options, the bufadero and its surroundings, the beach of La Garita have many areas worth discovering. Hidden corners, love stories, passages of war and of course the sea and its forms.

Another great thing about this area is that it is very easy to get to La Garita’s bufadero, and you can park just a few metres away, although the access is not for people with reduced mobility, but from its viewpoint you can see the bufadero in all its splendour. So we invite you to discover the best places and the most enriching experiences if you approach the wild environment of the bufadero of La Garita. A must if you are in Gran Canaria.

“The sea is like an open book; there is always something new to discover in every wave.

Mapa La Garita

3 routes depending on the plan you fancy.

Paseo Hoya del Pozo

Interesting things and plans

Surf Playa del Hombre

Interesting plans and things