How to get to bufadero la garita? Easy and quick

There are many ways to get to the Bufadero de La Garita, it is quite simple and not very complex. However, we propose three different routes depending on the plan you are looking for:

  • Easy route: This way, you will go directly to the car park next to the viewpoint of the Bufadero, ideal if you want to get there to see the sunrise and you are late. There are several benches from which you can sit and watch the sea, or take some photos of the bufadero. Then you can choose whether to stay and contemplate the scenery or take a walk to La Garita.
  • Hungry one: With this route you can have a snack or a drink before taking the walk that leads to the Bufadero, we leave you a guide with the best restaurants (Link, another article and Keyword) of La Garita and surroundings. This is the route we like the most, it allows you to see the waves crashing against the rocks, but be careful on windy days you can get wet in the avenue. You will see why La Garita is so picturesque with its houses by the sea, its houses with painted stones in the garden, the dog with the best view (see if you can find it ;)), and above all with the peculiar house of Chano el Guapo next to a gulf, decorated with all kinds of stones and curious things.
  • Sanmao: Here you will arrive via Playa del Hombre to Playa de Hoya Pozuelo, you can see the park dedicated to this writer, known outside China as Echo Chen, whose life and letters have always been linked to Playa del Hombre. You can get a little closer to the figure of this writer through the Sanmao Route as you walk towards La Garita. To get to the bufadero itself, you will have to leave the avenue behind and walk along the rocks. The path is not very complicated, but it is not very advisable to go with cars or with people who have difficulty moving around, although one part is quite accessible, in another part you will need to be able to move over the rocks and climb up and down some of them. Don’t think that we are going to do Parkour, anyone can get there without too much trouble and children usually enjoy this type of path.

The best time to visit the Bufadero de La Garita

Undoubtedly the best time to visit is when the tide is full or at high tide, the water hits the rocks, enters the submerged cone, floods the mouth of the bufadero, rises and finally there is an explosion of water vapour. The sea is always a spectacle, so if you come when the sea is calm or at low tide, don’t worry, just enjoy the tranquillity and the views. The walk will be well worth it.

Recommendations to bear in mind

  • Walking around the rocks may involve some risk and it is certainly not advisable to approach when the sea is rough, as it could be dangerous.
  • It is advisable to wear suitable footwear and not flip-flops or similar. We are going to cross rocks and stones that could cut us.
  • The path is not very long, but the nearest place to have a drink or something to eat is at La Garita beach.
  • Always keep an eye on the children, as it is easy to lose sight of them and they could fall off the rocks.